Orchard - Unchanged

PEHPplus - Featured Deals


Active & Fit

To access discounts, log in to your PEHP account and find the "Active & Fit Discounts" under the I WANT TO menu at the bottom of the homepage or under the Quick Access section.

$0 Enrollment Fee for All Gyms With Promo Code: FITFORFALL

  • Choose from 12,700+ standard gyms, including 24 Hour Fitness®, EōS Fitness®, Crunch Fitness®, Blink Fitness®, Anytime Fitness®, Chuze Fitness®, and more for just $28/mo
  • Plus, 8,700+ premium gym options including FIT4MOM®, Pure Barre®, Club Pilates®, Row House®, and more with 20% - 70% discounts at most locations.3Flexible & Affordable
  • No long-term contracts. Switch gyms and cancel with ease.
  • Join multiple gyms and get a $5 monthly discount on each additional membership.4Go Beyond the Gym
  • 1:1 well-being coaching to help you reach your health goals, at no additional cost.
  • Get Fit at Home™ for free with 12,000+ on-demand workout videos before you enroll.


  • Membership options for your spouse


To access discounts, log in to your PEHP account and find the "ChooseHealthy Discounts" under the I WANT TO menu at the bottom of the homepage or under the Quick Access section.

With the ChooseHealthy® program, you can save more on wellness products and services and be empowered with health improvement tools to help you live better every day. You can:

  • Get discounts from 10% to 50% on popular health and fitness brands
  • Enroll in the Active&Fit DirectTM program and find your perfect gym from thousands of options, << plus get personalized well-being coaching>> and more, for just $28 a month!*  You can also purchase an additional membership for your spouse.**
  • Save 25% on services from specialty healthcare practitioners
  • Learn from evidence-based, online health classes and articles offered at no extra cost
Hoopes Vision

11820 S. State Street
Draper, UT

Call: 801-568-0200

We invite all PEHP members and their immediate families to call today for a free LASIK consultation.*

*Consultations are not complimentary for anyone who has had prior eye surgery, been diagnosed with cataracts, or a previous eye condition. Exam fees are typically $150-$200.

Find out if you are a candidate for Lasik before you set your flexible spending amounts.

Lasik and PRK - $1,850/eye*
(reg. $2,450/eye)

SMILE - $1,850/eye
(reg. $2,450/eye)

KAMRA Inlay Only - $3,200
(reg. $3,800)

KAMRA Inlay + 1 Eye Lasik - $4,350
(reg. $4,950)

KAMRA Inlay + 2 Eye Lasik - $6,350
(reg. $6,950)

Mention this discount and that you are a PEHP Member. click link more details.


OrderlyMeds is a leading telemedicine platform specializing in GLP-1 medications designed to support sustainable weight loss. We aim to empower individuals on their weight loss journey with easy access to prescription treatments, transparent pricing, responsive customer service, and a supportive community.  

Extending beyond just medication - OrderlyMeds offers a holistic approach that integrates nutrition, fitness, and mental health support, ensuring that every aspect of your well-being is addressed for lasting results.

Exclusive Offer for PEHP Members

  • Single-Month Offer– 10% off injectable or oral compounded semaglutide with a one-month purchase
  • 6-Month Offer– 15% off injectable or oral compounded semaglutide with a six-month plan
  • 12-Month Offer– 20% off injectable or oral compounded semaglutide with a twelve-month plan
  • Additional Benefits
      • Free month of BetterHelp therapy
      • 50% off the first order of Trifecta meals
      • Medication delivered within 6-8 days
      • Medical response within 48 hours


  • 1 month is equal to four doses; 6 month is 28 doses; 12 months is 48 doses  
  • OrderlyMeds does not ship to Louisiana, Mississippi, or New Mexico.
  • A current prescription is required for customers transferring in at a higher dose strength. 
  • OrderlyMeds Terms and Conditions

PEHP makes no guarantee or warranty regarding the products offered through PEHPplus. These services and products are offered at discounts only because they are not covered benefits under a PEHP medical plan. PEHP does not endorse these products or services provided by third party vendors. Vendors may alter their relationship with PEHPplus at any time. Therefore, specific vendors and/or discounts may change at any time without notice.