Orchard - Unchanged

Medical Plans & Networks

Medical Plans

PEHP offers multiple medical plans and networks. Your plan outlines your medical coverage and your network is where you go for services, such as clinics and hospitals.

Check with your employer or log in to your PEHP account to see which plans and networks are available to you.

Traditional Plan

  • You pay a portion of the plan from your paycheck and don’t receive HSA contributions from your employer.
  • It has a lower deductible and gives you predictable costs through fixed copays (dollar amounts for services like office visits).
  • Each family member has their own deductible and out-of-pocket maximum.


The STAR HSA Plan is an HSA-eligible medical plan. You start by paying medical bills with a savings account containing money your employer puts in.

  • Your employer puts money into an HSA for health-related expenses to offset a higher deductible. You can also put money in yourself, tax-free.
  • HSA funds carry over from year-to-year and grow tax-free. You never forfeit what you don’t spend. Save for healthcare and retirement expenses.
  • It covers the most preventive care services paid at 100% (even before the deductible) compared to other plans.
  • All spending goes to the out-of-pocket maximum, protecting you from large bills.

Learn more about HSAs and see if you’re eligible

Consumer Plus Plan

The Consumer Plus Plan is an HSA-eligible medical plan. You startby paying medical bills with a savings account containing money your employer puts in.

  • Similar to the STAR HSA Plan with a higher deductible, lower coinsurance, fewer covered benefits.
  • Essential benefit plan with catastrophic coverage.
  • Your employer puts more money into an HSA for health-related expenses than the STAR HSA Plan to offset a higher deductible. You can also put money in yourself, tax-free.
  • You pay a low premium or no premium on the Summit Network.
  • HSA funds carry over from year-to-year and grow tax-free. You never forfeit what you don’t spend. Save for healthcare and retirement expenses.

Learn more about HSAs and see if you’re eligible

Medical Networks

A medical network is a group of doctors, hospitals, and other providers that have agreed to accept a specific price for their services. PEHP has three networks – Summit, Advantage, and Preferred. A provider who is contracted in your network is an “in-network” provider. Get the best benefit by visiting doctors, hospitals, and other providers contracted in your network. Otherwise, you could be on the hook for unnecessary large bills. Log in to your PEHP account to search for providers in your network.

See a list of hospitals in each network. PDF file

Advantage Network

This is an Intermountain Health facility-based network in which PEHP contracts directly with all providers.

Summit Network

This is a primarily a non-Intermountain Health based network. It includes CommonSpirit (Holy Cross), MountainStar, and University of Utah Health Care providers and facilities. Primary Children’s Medical Center and all Intermountain Health rural facilities are also included. PEHP contracts directly with all providers in this network.

Preferred Network

This network consists of all providers and facilities in both the Summit and Advantage networks.

PEHP contracts directly with all providers in this network. You'll pay considerably more in premium if you choose the Preferred network.

Capital Network

This network is primarily centered around CommonSpirit (Holy Cross) and University of Utah Healthcare facilities and associated practitioners. This network also includes Primary Children's Hospital and all rural facilities. Some Capital Network plans do not have out-of-network benefits.