Pharmacy Forms
Coordination of Benefits/Direct Claim Form (pdf)
Submit Claim Form Electronically
Express Scripts Home Delivery Order Form (pdf)
How does my Pharmacy/Medical Identification Card work?
How do I submit pharmacy claims if I have coverage with another plan or have paid cash for my prescription?
What is my Co-payment or Co-Insurance responsibility?
How can I appeal a decision?
How can I lower my Co-payment?
What are some limitations to my Pharmacy Benefits?
What is Preauthorization?
What are Specialty Medications?
How does my Plan work if I have a Pharmacy Deductible?
How does my Plan work if I have a Pharmacy Out-of-Pocket Maximum?
What does "maintenance medication" mean?
How is the Covered Drug List determined? Does the list change?
Will PEHP pay for a medication not listed on the Covered Drug List?
When may I refill my prescription?
Can I continue to receive my specialty medication through my medical provider?
Do specialty medications require preauthorization?
What is a generic substitution benefit?
What is the difference between a generic and a brand-name medication?
Will Express Scripts substitute my Brand-Name prescription for a Generic?
Can I be reimbursed for urgent or emergent medications I have purchased outside of the United States?
What is the advantage of Home Delivery?
What can cause my Home Delivery prescription to be delayed?