How Much Can Your Office Save by Billing Electronically?
The dental return on investment (ROI) calculator tool helps offices identify the cost-savings potential that can be achieved by switching dental claim submission methods from a paper process to an electronic process. We invite your office to make the switch and start saving today!
Your average daily patient volume: | |
Percentage of your patients covered by insurance: | |
Total days in a week you see patients: | |
Total weeks in a year you see patients: | |
Number of FTE employees doing your billing: | |
Average annual salary of your billing employee(s): |
Your total annual insurance claim volume: | |
Your FTE billing employee's per minute salary rate: |
Generate claim and place in evelop: | |
Cost of form & envelope: | |
Postage (10 claims / large envelope) - $2.00: | |
Total Costs: |
Generate claim and transmit: | |
Clearinghouse fee $0.50 per claim: | |
Total Costs: |
Total Annual Cost Savings Realized by Electronic Claims Submission (MONEY) - | |
Total Annual Resource Days Saved by Electronic Claims Submission (TIME) - |
*EClaim was calculated at the rate of $0.50/claim. Typically UHIN's cost is $0.01/claim
Additional benefits not included in calculation: Few returned forms, quicker turnaround, reduced outstanding accounts, less time on the telephone correcting and tracing claims.
Calculator brought to you by NDEDIC - visit us at